NEMpreg.FR5051 is an epoxy resin-based prepreg dedicated to the manufacture of fire-retardant composite components. The material meets the R1, R6 and R7 requirements of EN 45545-2 for HL3. As a result, NEMpreg.FR5051 can be successfully used in rail vehicles, both for internal components (e.g. floors, sidewalls, flaps) and external components (e.g. walls, enclosures, roofs).
NEMpreg.FR5051 has a very long life at room temperature (above 6 months). This makes it possible to reduce the number of logistics operations during production (freezing, thawing), as well as the financial costs associated with storing the material at low temperatures.
This prepreg is dedicated to both autoclave and OOA (Out of Autoclave) technology. With a curing time of 90 minutes at 130⁰C, the entire curing cycle can be carried out in less than three hours.
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