Latest Highlights

ISPO 2020

Here are some impressions and highlights from #ISPOMunich 2020! Four days full of events, workshops, exchange of ides and fruitful discussions with our partners and potential clients. Our technology attracted not only producers but also users of sports equipment.

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Kompozyt Expo Trade Fairs

Kompozyt Expo at EXPO Kraków was a great opportunity to connect with our clients and business partners.

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Formula E - the future of motor-sport?

"At first they laughed at us, then they began to look with curiosity. In the end, they want to join us. "- This is how one of its leading competitors, Lucas Di Grassi, summed up four Formula E seasons.

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New office in Wroclaw

Following the needs of our clients New Era Materials on 01/08/2019 opens a new office in Wroclaw. Wrocław was chosen as the capital of the region being the leader in the development of new additive technologies.

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RTE2.0 LEM racing bolide

New Era Materials provided components for the ultra-modern electric RTE2.0 LEM racing bolide! We are happy that New Era Materials has been actively involved in the project conducted by AGH Racing Team, which develops a unique and extremely modern electric drive for bolides and racing cars.

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3D Printing Days at Targi Kielce

3D Printing Days at Targi Kielce. Thank you for visiting our booth, for meetings, discussions and cooperation insights.

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